My Grandpa Strauser pulled me aside at our Father's Day cook out this weekend. He told me how he loved to get online and look at our facebook "websites".
"You two enjoy each other a lot, don't you?" He smiled.
I thought of all the happy moments I've captured on my camera. Our first apartment, sled riding, our first Christmas, date nights, weddings, the beach. Then my mind wandered to all the not so happy moments you don't capture in a picture. The challenges we've faced in the first year of marriage - from the overwhelming sadness I've felt since I lost my Papa mixed with that period when you're really learning what it's like to be married and share a life with someone forever. Debates over houses, church, kids, pets, work, responsibilities at home, cars, bills, and personality differences...
"It's a challenge, Grandpa." I said. "It's a big adjustment... but we love each other a lot." There were already tears in my eyes just thinking about the past year in our lives and what we've already been through together.
He put his arm around me and whispered "Just love each other most of all, and you'll be alright. Love him more than any other person forever."
So that's the secret. He's right. Of all the people in this world, I get to love my husband most of all and forever. It's so good to be married. It's so good that on a day I was really missing my Papa, my other Grandpa was able step in and put his arms around me and remind me how blessed I still am.
I thought of all the happy moments I've captured on my camera. Our first apartment, sled riding, our first Christmas, date nights, weddings, the beach. Then my mind wandered to all the not so happy moments you don't capture in a picture. The challenges we've faced in the first year of marriage - from the overwhelming sadness I've felt since I lost my Papa mixed with that period when you're really learning what it's like to be married and share a life with someone forever. Debates over houses, church, kids, pets, work, responsibilities at home, cars, bills, and personality differences...
"It's a challenge, Grandpa." I said. "It's a big adjustment... but we love each other a lot." There were already tears in my eyes just thinking about the past year in our lives and what we've already been through together.
He put his arm around me and whispered "Just love each other most of all, and you'll be alright. Love him more than any other person forever."
So that's the secret. He's right. Of all the people in this world, I get to love my husband most of all and forever. It's so good to be married. It's so good that on a day I was really missing my Papa, my other Grandpa was able step in and put his arms around me and remind me how blessed I still am.
On a lighter note, I'll take some time to share a few of those happy moments we caught on camera!

It's so cool to have a group of friends to enjoy the humor marriage with! :)

We are the self-proclaimed "Miserable Six". HAHA
We both love fishing! So relaxing and good time spent together!