Everyone warned us that the "first year is the hardest". Greg and I laugh about that on a regular basis, because to be honest this year hasn't been all that hard. We certainly aren't miserable and living together wasn't the biggest adjustment in the world. (Some people said we'd hate it!)
Sure, instead of doing the dishes Greg props his feet up on the chair that I absolutely hate and he delights himself in a good old game of Call of Duty while I scrub away. It's drives me crazy when he throws paper on the floor instead of the garbage can. Being on time for things - sooo not my husband. And no, I'm not exactly innocent. I "make" him come to bed with me because I just can't fall asleep on my own. I may be a little bit of a drama queen. I even occasionally hit him in the middle of the night. (I'm sleep-punching, I swear!) Just like any other new couple, we had to learn better ways to communicate. We've struggled with jobs and saving for a house. We think and think and think and even argue a little bit about important decisions like when we should have a baby and where our 'home church' should be. We struggle to make time for each other in a world that doesn't place a very high value on cherishing relationships. But at the end of the day - it's really a blessing to have the security we have in our marriage and our love for each other. Fights aside, the first year has been a lot of fun. I get to spend every day making memories my best friend, my yard-sale buddy, my husband. (And, according to his momma, he's a miracle! He reminds me on a regular basis.)
Here are just some of the wonderful memories we've made this year!
Fishing Dates - One of my favorite activities with Gregory. My dad threw my shoe in the water and Greg fished it out for me! (Notice the picture!
Savion & Lucius - My husband stepped out of his comfort zone FOR ME, and we had the opportunity to fall in love with two of the most wonderful little boys God has ever put on this earth!

Atlantic City, New Jersey - Everyone hated this trip except me.... So we stayed 3 days and headed home. Some people. Who cares if it's the dirtiest city in the world - it's the beach!

Beach Trip, Number 2 - A great trip with great friends! It's fun to have a few good married friends!